Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good Morning from the northwoods of "almost Canada" Minnesota

I love this quiet time first thing in the morning when I sit with my first or second cup of coffee and watch the sun rise over the east ridge of our little village in "almost Canada" Minnesota. When asked, I usually reply that my favorite colors are red and purple, but that's probably not true. My very favorite colors are the colors of dawn. They're just so ethereal and nearly impossible to capture or reproduce with paints; they are never the same as they were 10 seconds ago. At dawn I am between the bliss of slumber, at my "dreamiest" and at peace before the bells, horns, whistles, sirens and roar of days in the trenches begin. In the morning I snatch a few moments just for me before anyone else demands my attention and time. I sometimes forget how fortunate I am to be able to have these few moments of bliss, and ungratefully pout when the rest of the day falls to "the day job" and other demands that take me away from spending time with my passion, my lover...ART.

This morning I am remembering to be grateful, to thank Goddess for these precious moments of color, peace, and bliss.

Life is good!

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