Monday, February 27, 2012


This morning I took a few minutes to comment on a friend's blog, saying in effect that the time crush that has interfered with her creative time (the same is true for myself) is most likely a temporary thing and it will not feel like this forever. Forgive me my friend, for re-posting my comment here, but I realized that I was speaking to *myself* as much as to you.

The photo was taken from my dining room window yesterday afternoon when the winds were howling, the snow flying. What a different view this morning. The snow is still there, it's much colder today, but the sky is blue and the sun bright, the roaring winds have hushed to a whisper that barely moves the wind-chimes we have hung in a dozen places around the house and trees. it is a day in which things seem so much softer, calmer, quieter. I can hear myself think again. There are more icicles outside the window this morning, and they are longer, giving the illusion of ice bars outside the window. Yet I don't seem them as imprisonment, I see them as a sort of barrier to not allow intrusions into my serenity. I am going to forgo my usual work ethic this morning and not worry about work deadlines until after I have worked on "the journal", and the dolls. The last week has mostly been about everyone else, it is not selfish to take this time for me this morning.

I've been kinda grouchy on the inside the past week, trying hard not to take it out on people around me that demands of work and family are not giving me much creative time. I have however, while not having much artsy time, have been busy creating in the kitchen. The dish I made last night was a lovely dish that pleased all the senses, I only wish I'd had the nasturiums for garnish! It truly was an artistic presentation of color, fragrance, and taste!

Actually, when writing to my friend, I was thinking about my own lack of "creative time" I have had these past weeks, and came to the conclusion that whatever a creative person does away from studio/art table, they take their creativity with them and apply to whatever it is that they are doing wherever they are in their daily life.

While my job may not often allow me to use the artistic mediums I prefer, still there is an element of creative thinking that must be inherant in the work I do. Thinking on your feet is definitly creative! It's probably the most important skill I have for the work I do. it's the same process as happens when I see an object I can alter, a blank page or canvas I can fill, a doll I can sculpt/stitch.

Even when we think we are not being creative, when time is not present to allow us to paint, draw, write, sculpt, stitch, the Muse continues to whisper, to fire our dreams and vision in ways that we in our tunnel vision do not recognize as inspiration and creativity.

What if instead of ignoring that whisper we embraced it? What would our life circumstances feel like then? And what creativity might we open up?


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