Monday, January 30, 2012

There Were Roses in the Sky This Morning

There were roses in the sky this morning,
as the Sun, with long, elegant, slender fingers climbed,
pulling himself inch by inch
from the valley of dreams and darkness,
to rise above the edge of the eastern ridge.
He paused briefly in that space,
between dreams and possibilities,
betwixt before and after,
and whispered to the fading roses.
He winked at me through the bare winter trees,
then ascended into flight across the sky.

~~MDO-Luna 1/29/12

“That which God said to the rose,
and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty,
He said to my heart,
and made it a hundred times more beautiful.”
― Rumi


What an incredible sunrise this morning. It awakened my muse. Why is it that the muse is always so chatty when I can't take the time to journal/create? I got a message on Facebook from my young friend Cynthia that she and her boys were coming to church in town today and hoped to see me there. I love her and her boys, Kyren and Henry (14 and 2yrs). It WAS fun to have someone to sit with today! Last Sunday the Sunday School went ice fishing, they announced today that after church there was going to be a Fish Fry with the fish that they had caught. It was a delicious lunch! Fried fish from the lake, cornbread, beans, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, and bars and good coffee. Lake of the Woods is such a clean lake, the fish are especially good!

I meant to get right to the journal page when I got home, about 1:00, but this thing led to another, and pretty soon my oomph was gone. I've had to do the dishes so I can make dinner in a bit. Last month I bought a cookbook on clearance in one of those bins that discount stores have, Woman's Day WEDNESDAY NIGHT IS VEGETARIAN: The Eat-Well Cookbook of Meals in a Hurry. Definitly worth the $5 I spent for it! I've already used a couple of recipes, tonight I made Vegetarian Sweet Potato Lasagna

It was delicious!!

I have really chapped hands from doing all the dishes for the past several days. I've been going through tons of shea butter to eleviate the roughness, itch, and roughness. I break out from all plastic gloves so that's not an option for me. Frustrating.

I cooked a big crockpot of pinto beans yesterday intending to make tostadas or burritos for dinner tonight, but the sweet potatoes have to be used up. At least we'll have an easy dinner tomorrow night when I run late!

I've been taking a bit of a break from being online. Barely on Facebook, I want to catch up on LJ friends' posts tonight. I have done a bit of pinning on Pinterest, but I'm limiting my time there too. It's a real time vampire, fun but addicting!

I've been reading, still plodding through The Girl Who Played With Fire, enjoying it, but it's not as quick a read as some of the fluff I've picked up here and there this week. We've hardly had the TV on at all. I've needed solitude.


Life is good!

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