Monday, January 23, 2012


Happiness in a paper bowl I don't have to wash...banana, vanilla greek yogurt and pomegranate seeds. After the picture I added 1/2 cup of Kashi GoLean high protein, high fiber, low fat cereal to the bowl. It was just so pretty before adding the cereal, I had to take a picture. I am so hooked on pomegranate seeds; it will be a bit sad when I can not indulge my obsession so easily. I find it interesting that something that seemed a bit sorrowful a month ago can now bring me such simple pleasure and joy. I think that life is like that...sometimes moments of sorrow and sadness can suddenly, or gradually give way to something brighter and joyful.

This morning I have a part of an old Steve Green praise song, based on Psalm 30, playing on loop in my head:
You have turned my mourning into dancing, Lord
Now my feet are filled with your praise
You have clothed my spirit with a robe of joy
You've cast my sorrow away.

I've looked for a video, but did find an MP3 if anyone wants to hear it. Most of the song is "too preachy" but the refrain and a couple other lines of the lyric capture what I'm feeling this morning.

MP3 link

The last 6 months have been a time of grief and loss, not truely tragic horrendous losses, such as loss of life or other calamity, but loss and sadness none the less. God/dess has been good to me, and ever present even when I chose not to acknowledge her/his/its/Spirit's presence.

It feels good to be back on track, with some balance in my life. I realize that much of the imbalance is my own doing. I was keeping so busy with work by my own choice, in a sense using work to numb myself and explain/excuse the void of creativity and attention to my spiritual life (creativity and spiritual parts of my life are inseparable in my mind), an excuse for all lack of activity and poor care of self. I feel the rising of the B.I.T.C.H. inside me once again (Bodacious-Babe In Total Control-of Herself). Where has she been??? How did I let her slip away?

Life is good!!!

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