Monday, January 23, 2012



I've chosen a theme song for my year.

I turned 60 on 11/28/11 with little fanfare or fireworks or huge party, just quietly slipping into the next decade. 60 is a milestone and I want to celebrate it by living a wild juicy fabulous life filled with art, music, poetry, love, friendship and laughter.

My friend Carmelita inspired me to do this "event" by her special journal she is keeping for her 50th year.


I would like to invite you to help me celebrate my milestone year but doing a piece of art, painting, sculpture, making a doll, drawing, coloring a page from a coloring book, writing a note, making a card, taking a photo, singing a song, writing a poem, or anything that your muse moves you to do, that I can put into a Book of Days throughout my 60th year. If you aren't feeling you can do something, please borrow something to share with me, poem, photo, story, song, prose, cartoon etc. This is my way of throwing myself a party to celebrate turning 60. What is a party without the ones you love there with you? I want to make this a memorable year with your help! I'm inviting you to this "event" because you are someone who has touched me and I cherish YOU for who and what you are! This event is not public, it's by invitation only but if you have a friend you would like to invite feel free to invite them as well! You do not have to actually send me anything if this is a difficulty for you, I will be happy with a link to where you have posted something online, or a photo of something that made you think of me, sent via e-mail!

In exchange I will send you an Artist Trading Card that I will make individually for each of you who give me one of these "gifts".

Is this vain, self-grandizing, audacious, and cheeky of me to ask of you? YOU BET!! LOL Now that I am a juicy old crone I can do whatever I want so long as no creature is harmed in the process! At 60 I give myself permission to be bold and ask for what I want and need!

If you're interested and feel you are able to participate in my year of celebration send me a private message and I'll send you my e-mail and/or snail mail address privately.



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