I got most of my Christmas cards sent out today. Still waiting for addresses for a few people.
I will finish sending cards tomorrow (Wed). I think this is the first year in many that I have actually sent cards out BEFORE the 24th.
We got a package from my brother Smokey with a package for Ashlyn inside too. Oh Good!! A reason to go to Fargo soon to deliver the package of course! LOL Tom was at the Post Office just as the UPS truck was leaving. The driver turned around and came back to deliver the package he was going to drop off at our house, saying “This must be for you Pastor.” Only in a small town would you see that kind of recognition and cooperation between federal and private carriers!
I remembered to tip the mail carrier today, since meeting T’sing, mailman for the Royal Mail in UK, I’ve much more appreciation for mail carriers!
The weather was mild today, temps around 38 but with a stiff wind that made it feel colder. However I did not have to wear my heavy Columbia jacket so I was happy!
I wore my new snowman earrings today. They’re so cute! It doesn’t take much to make me happy. LOL
Today I ordered some pomegranate charms to use with the pomegranate beads I bought a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t decided whether I will make a necklace or a bracelet yet. I bought tiny pomegranate charms on eBay, the beads are large so I don’t know if they will work or not with the beads. I also bought some silvery pewter pomegranate charms on eBay, the latter from a dealer in Israel. There is a dearth of silvery pomegranates to buy online. What I could find mostly were gold and the price way too dear for my budget.
My 3:30 appointment, for which I drove 60 miles round trip, was a NO SHOW. I was not too frustrated since I can bill for the time and had a bit more time at home before I had to leave to see my 5:30 appointment. I just hope all is well. The youngest child has severe developmental delays and fragile health, two weeks ago when I went to the appointment mom cancelled when I got there because the whole household was sick, with the youngest having pneumonia.
My 5:30 session went well, Mom is growing so much! I’m so happy for her and so proud of her. She gave me a hug when I left. This was BIG for her!!!
It was fun delivering my Christmas giftie bags to the latter family, and I stopped briefly at another client’s house on the way home to drop off one there.
I can’t believe how many people are decorating their homes with lights this year, I saw even MORE newly lit up houses on the trip home tonight.
We had salad and homemade cheese pizza for dinner. Any night where there is pizza is a good night!
I tried the marshmallow swirl hot chocolate mix I got from Matt for Christmas, it is unbelievably yummy made with Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
I fell asleep in the recliner about 9PM watching THE POLAR EXPRESS on TV; Tom woke me up to go to bed around 10. I went right back to sleep.
Maria Lamb had a link to the tutorial and a picture of the the cutest bird ornaments she made from old book pages on her Live Journal. I’m going to make a few of them for our tree over the holiday break. So sweet.
It cost 80 cents to mail the Christmas card to my aunt in Montreal Quebec. (I know you were dying to know that!)
I am so thankful that Tom is willing to run some errands for me when I am working. What a guy!!
I’m thankful that I’m not moving this week like our lovely Tricia Anders!! Wowzers! Moving at holiday time. I hope it goes well for her and that she doesn’t get ill from all the stress and wear and tear that moving brings!
The countdown is getting shorter to Christmas vacation!
1 “sleep”
2 days of work
3 client sessions
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