Monday, January 23, 2012


I am looking forward to this afternoon after all the church stuff is finished for me for the day. Yesterday was a write off with time spent in the kitchen, then a funeral in the afternoon, followed by more cooking for the evening. I couldn't settle in to do anything

I made the most delicious meatless meatloaf last night for dinner, with lentils. Honestly going to be perhaps even a bigger favorite comfort food than meat based meetloaf. I think it might make great meatballs too. I cooked it in our roaster oven as we are still without a regular oven.

I received my order from Dick Blick yesterday morning. A box of bliss! New selfhealing cutting mat that came with a new exacto knife and blades (an unexpected bonus I didn't expect!), 2 sets of waterbrushes (I've never had any before, can't wait to try them), 3 Strathmore Mixed Media journals, a new jar of Golden's Soft gel medium and the Derwent Inktense pencils I've wanted for ages! There is something so exciting about a tin of new unused pencils! BLISS IN A TIN TIMES 36!

Today is church. Blech! I do so not want to go. But go I must today. There is a potluck following the service, and then the annual congregational meeting. Tom has meetings at both churches today, first the one following the service at Mt. Carmel this morning, and then the other after the service/potluck at Bethany here in town. There are a couple of old toads who make the meetings sometimes horrible to attend. Many years I have not gone to the meetings, they create such a state of anxiety in me. I can not wait for Tom to retire. I keep buying a couple of lottery tickets each week to speed that along if I can. LOL

Maybe I'll take a journal and pencils in my purse to doodle during the meeting, it might take the edge off of my anxiety if I do so. I'm going to throw together a quick Greek Salad to take, I've a few calamata olives left, romain, cucumber, feta cheese, and greek salad dressing that will toss well at the time of the meal.

As for the old toads... Judah's mom Marilyn Noah posted a quote by Og Mandino on Facebook this morning that is helping me. "Beginning today treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it without any thought of reward. Your life will never be the same." ~Og Mandino Much better than "smiting them" as is my current fantasy. LOL

Time to go throw together that salad, and then shower and dress for church.

Life is good!

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