December 4, 2011
- Why does the first cup of coffee in the morning taste even better in a Christmas mug?
- I took half an hour to play with colored pencils before starting work. It’s been way too long since I’ve felt like I have the time to play with art stuff. Being a grownup sucks lemons sometimes.
- This week looks to be less wild than last week so hopefully I’ll get more art time! I do want to make a few cards for friends this year!
- Why do some of the best ideas come while I’m driving the car to work and can’t turn around and go start it? The muse is cruel sometimes I tell you!
- This morning I wrote our Christmas letter to put in with cards to family and friends we don’t see much or aren’t in touch with online.
- I saw clients today. It was the last appointment with a family who has come so far in the past 6 months. The mom is sober 6 months today. The teen boy is awesome, resilient, sweet, funny, and has never been in trouble, doesn’t smoke, drink, or use substance. Mom is doing good self care emotionally as well as physically.
- The family I saw today had made me a small gift bag of Christmas treats, a nice surprise.
- I’d never had Vanilla Tootsie Rolls before. I can say with certainty I AM a fan!!
- Both the mom and the son I saw today cried when they said goodbye to me, I cried a bit too after I got in the car. I will really miss seeing them!
- The chocolate cupcakes I took to celebrate this family’s success were a big hit.
- Twice when I reached into the treat bag the Candy Canes scratched my hand and drew blood! My hand looks like it’s been scratched by a cat! Who’d have thought there were vampire Candy Canes? The corners on the wrapping were that sharp! I imagine someone will file a frivolous law suit over that one day. LOL
- I skipped church this morning to get some work done, I don’t want to go into the week a week behind. I made great progress on last week’s paperwork today! I hope to get it done in the morning before and after Clinical Supervision by phone.
- When I pulled out of the garage and was going down the alley behind the church I saw Becca out in the church yard, all by herself. She was like a child on a Christmas card. There she was, in her green coat and red mittens, red chullo (you know, the knit hat with a tassel on top, earflaps, and tasseled strings that hang down), wearing red knit tights under her dress, and snow boots. She had her head thrown back enraptured with the falling snow, tongue out catching snowflakes on her tongue. It was one of those moments that are so fleeting and so beautiful. I didn’t speak to her because I didn’t want to interrupt her wonder. I wish I’d had a camera handy! What a picture it would have been!
- It was really cold today when I went out, the car thermometer said it was 12 degrees, with the slight breeze it felt even colder. I was glad I’d worn my heavy jacket, the cold still went right through me when I was filling the car before I drove home from Baudette.
- We had snow flurries all day. Big fat flakes that don’t melt right away when Bear comes in from outside with snow on his fur. Why does that amaze me so?
- I confess, I had to catch a few snowflakes on my tongue before I came in to the house from work this afternoon, a guilty pleasure. Will snow ever cease to amaze me?
- After I got home from work, too get rid of the chill from being out, I put on my fuzzy new PJs, added cocoa mix to a cup of reheated coffee, covered up on the loveseat after I got home, Bear joined me and we had a lovely nap!
- The Viking lost yet AGAIN today.
- Today I’m wearing Christmas socks, red with brown reindeer. They make me giggle and look great in my Mary Jane shoes.
- Dexter tonight!!! I wonder how many episodes are left? I find I’m actually tiring of the storyline this season.
- Tom was not home for dinner tonight. The ladies out at the country church were putting together their cheer baskets and were having a potluck before that so he went to that and then taught his confirmation class after. He brought home a bag of goodies from the ladies. I claimed the small can of red salmon in the bag. Tom doesn’t care for it but I do love it! The candy canes in that bag were docile and not vampiric. (Is that a word? Must check Merriam Webster to find out.)
- Since I wasn’t making the bean burgers for dinner, and Tom wasn’t going to be home, I made myself a Mexican Pizza for dinner tonight with a “flattie” sandwich wrap, taco sauce, chopped red/green/yellow peppers, chopped red onion, sliced black olives, black beans, and low fat cheddar cheese. I made a small Greek Salad to go with it. YUM almost like international dining! Ha!
- Still waiting to make the Spicy Black Bean Burgers, since he was not home and I was tired from work I’ll make them tomorrow night as I’ll have time in the morning to mix it up and let it chill for easier handling by dinner time. I think I’ll try baking them this time.
- Only 1 other appointment tomorrow so hopefully there will be not too many interruptions so I can start out Tuesday totally caught up on the paper schtuff!
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